
TechMack News

The Big Ways Technology Will Touch Your Life in 2024

Technology of the present follows us everywhere like a shadow. However, it’s not always an evil stalker! In 2024, let’s explore how technology will impact our lives. Make a call as quickly as light Can you remember phone conversations? Indeed, they are real, but right now, video calling and instant messaging are the big boys. With just one touch, you […]

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Airpod low sound fix DIY

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No Internet Connection? Here is How You Can Still Watch Netflix Movies and Shows

The use of Netflix is incredibly increasing nowadays; it has become the preferred streaming platform. It provides the ability to broadcast material at any time anywhere.  We occasionally find ourselves faced with situations when we would still like to watch our favourite Netflix series or films but do not have an online connection. Maybe because […]

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How to change the screen refresh rate on gaming laptops

For laptops intended for gaming, the change in screen refresh rate is similar to modifying the speed at which the image updates.  It can be adjusted to go faster or slower based on your needs, similar to shifting gears on a bike.  Usually, you access the display settings on your gaming laptop to accomplish this. […]

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How Does Mobile Phones Affect Sleep Quality?

Introduction: The impact of mobile phones on sleep quality. Blue light exposure disrupts melatonin production and sleep cycles mobile-phone-impact-on-sleep Mobile phones have become an integral part of our lives, but how do they affect our sleep quality? This article explores the potential risks and benefits of using mobile phones to improve our sleep health. The […]

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