TechMack News

AI Breakthrough Science & technological innovations Space Astronamy

“Unbelievable AI Breakthroughs: Revolutionizing the Study of Cosmic Explosions!”

Imagine outside, gazing up at the universe. Suddenly, you see huge explosions—way bigger than any fireworks you’ve ever seen. These cosmic events, like supernovae and gamma-ray bursts, have puzzled scientists for a long time. But guess what? Now, researchers are using artificial intelligence (AI) to figure out what’s going on with these astronomical events. Let’s […]

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Tech news New mobile launch

Xiaomi POCO F6 Pro

The Xiaomi brand introduced a new advanced Poco F6 Pro smartphone and it was successfully launched on 23rd of May 2024. It is the next smartphone in the series of F. Poco phones are quite famous for their high quality features with affordable prices. Powerful processors, large RAM capacities, impressive camera setups, long lasting batteries […]

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New Laptops

Lenovos groundbreaking new laptop with transparent micro LED screen.

10 Reasons Why Transparent Micro LED Screen Laptops Are the Next Big Thing What is micro LED technology and its benefits? Micro LED technology represents a cutting-edge advancement in display systems. Different from traditional LED displays, micro LEDs are made up of tiny, self-emissive diodes that individually emit light and color. This leads to several […]

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Tech news techmacknews

The Big Ways Technology Will Touch Your Life in 2024

Technology of the present follows us everywhere like a shadow. However, it’s not always an evil stalker! In 2024, let’s explore how technology will impact our lives. Make a call as quickly as light Can you remember phone conversations? Indeed, they are real, but right now, video calling and instant messaging are the big boys. With just one touch, you […]

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