
TechMack News

AI Breakthrough

The Unpredictable Journey of AI: Villainous and Benevolent Exploits

Researchers in the field of AI are now afraid that AI will become a bhasmasuran. Because of replies to internet search queries Existing AI chatbots usually do the work of generating or recording things as ready-made answers to questions that come to it, but it now engages researchers in more advanced tasks, i.e. programming codes. […]

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AI Breakthrough

Next-gen AI Model from Google is on its way – Gemini 1.5

The swift and better version has something extra. Recently Google launched Gemini.  Now here comes Gemini 1.5, the new version which claims to be the next-gen AI Model.Google tells that the new tool will make professional and personal lives of developers and other personnel in business, easier.Gemini 1.5 is a more sharpened version and matches […]

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AI Breakthrough

Revolutionizing Customer Service: The Impact of AI-Powered Chatbots and Ethical Considerations

In the rapidly evolving landscape of customer service, AI-powered chatbots have emerged as game-changers, transforming the way businesses interact with their customers. This blog explores the rise of these intelligent bots, delving into their impact on customer service and the ethical considerations that come with their integration. I. The Rise of AI-Powered Chatbots: II. Changing […]

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Tech Tips

AI: Humanity’s Ally in a World of Challenges

Our planet faces a multitude of interconnected challenges, from climate change and environmental degradation to healthcare disparities and political instability. While these issues seem daunting, a new weapon has emerged in humanity’s arsenal: Artificial Intelligence (AI). Like a potent knight in shining armor, AI is charging onto the battlefield, ready to lend its formidable skillset […]

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Tech Rumors

Navigating the Crossroads: Business Trends and Challenges in 2024

2024 stands at a crossroads for businesses. The winds of change are whipping, bringing both exciting opportunities and formidable challenges. From hyper-personalization to the rise of the metaverse, here’s a glimpse into the trends and hurdles shaping the business landscape this year: Riding the Trend Train: Hurdling the Obstacles: The Roadmap Ahead: 2024 is a […]

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